How many of these sound familiar?

Are you nodding your head vigorously?

The M School Program
M School is an online coaching program for musicians who want to learn real-life skills and take actionable steps to get creative ideas off the ground.
M School is so much more than just academics. What we’re offering is a new way of being that will empower you to confidently dream BIG and manifest your music career on your own terms.
Will you have to dig deep and work hard? YES! There is no shortcut to achieving success while building the music career you’ve always dreamed of.
Starting a life as a freelancing musician, teacher, or entrepreneur without a financial, creative, or marketing education is like trying to play a clarinet without reeds.
Without a roadmap or guidance, the process of learning these new skills can be overwhelming.
M School can fast-track your growth and save you YEARS of trial and error, not to mention thousands of dollars. Think of this as your launchpad to achieving your dreams.

Is M School Right For You?
M School is for determined and ambitious musicians who are sick of waiting for work, agonizing over what to do next, or simply doubting their ability to start their own business or side hustle.
Regardless of your instrument, thriving as a classical musician in today's world means knowing how to build trust, network, manage yourself, and create new things.
M School is right for...
Soon-to-be or Recent College Music Graduates
If you're about to graduate and are staring into the future wondering what in the world you're going to do, M School can help.
You'll learn how to structure your time without a class schedule, the actionable steps you need to take to grow your network, and how to manage finances and insurance, create business ideas, and much more.
Musicians Who Have Been Out in the World For a While But Want to Offer Something New and Don't Know How to Start
Maybe you've been dabbling in this or dabbling in that but know you're meant for something greater. Maybe you know what it is you want to do. Or maybe you know that you want to do something but don't know what it is yet.
M School will guide you through the options and give you clarity on what's next for you and how to bring whatever brilliant idea that's been swimming around your mind into a reality.
Musicians Who Have No Idea What to Do With Their Music Degree(s)
You love music. You love playing. You're a wizard at your instrument and can geek out for days talking about counterpoint or composers. Outside of that, you don't really know how to make your passion into a viable career.
M School lays the foundation for you to create a career on your own terms. You'll learn how to distinguish a profitable idea from a not-profitable idea, how to market your idea, and some real-life skills like finance, networking, time management and more to support you on your way.
What You Need To Know...
M School is intensive and challenging. There are no magic formulas, short-cuts, loopholes, or guaranteed results.
Learning how to create your own business requires ENORMOUS effort, courage, and grit. Above all, it requires showing up and working every day.
It's a long game.
As Buddha once said, "What we think, we become." That's our primary goal: to teach you how to think, create, and make good and empowered decisions, with some real-life skills thrown in for flavor.
M School is for doers and musicians who want to evolve the music world using their unique gifts and have a dedication to stay in the craft.

In less than an academic year from now, you’ll be able to:
- Bust negative thought processes that hinder your creativity and confidence
- Prioritize your emotional wellness while navigating a music career
- Structure your post-graduate life effectively
- Set goals and plan the necessary steps to reach them
- Build and stick to a realistic budget
- File your own taxes and know what questions to ask a tax professional
- Manage your personal finances including health care and retirement
- Talk to humans, make lasting connections, and grow your professional network
- Optimize your use of social media for meaningful engagement and business promotion
- Create a music career on your own terms that you may not have even thought of yet
Sounds pretty awesome, right?
How does it work?
For 2022, M School there are 2 sections: Foundations and Launch Lab. You can enroll in both sections or just one.
- Foundations include 3 live sessions and 4 pre-recorded sessions.
- Launch Lab will include 10 live sessions plus 4 sessions of office hours at the conclusion of the program.
- Additional pre-recorded videos are available based on each week's topic.
- Participants will complete assignments each week that will be personally reviewed by members of the KE Creative team.
If you're working a full-time job, several part-time jobs, getting married, taking care of kids, or navigating school during the program, don't worry. You can revisit and review the materials at any time and use the 2 months of built-in time to complete the work.
Remember, building a new life and career isn't a 18-week linear event.
Here's What You'll Get In M School
Whether you're turning a side hustle into a full-time business, want to create something new, or just want to learn how to be a professional musician, M School can help.
This program provides the elements vital to leading a successful life and career as a classical musician in the 21st century.

Learn all those skills that you didn't learn in school such as budgeting, financial management, copyright law, structuring your time, public speaking, networking, etc.

Learn how to think creatively and communicate, sell, and serve so you can stay in the craft and make a healthy living.

Meet new like-minded people and have the freedom to share freely without fear of judgement. You're basically being adopted into a family of creatives who want to change the world. Not bad, right?
2 Parts:
You can decide which part fits best for you and your needs. If you'd like to take both, take both!
Foundations is built for the musician who needs some nitty gritty "life skills." Maybe you're right out of school and unsure how to understand time management, taxes, how to network, or finances. Or, perhaps you've been in the music business for a while and feel like you're missing a piece of the puzzle.

Pre-work and "Syllabus"
Every remarkable experience is built with a strong foundation.
This class is dedicated to learning how to get yourself in the right mindset to create and command any endeavor.
Clarify your goals, uncover some "blind spots" that have been keeping you from moving forward, and learn what you need to do to lay the foundation.
You'll also learn:
- The biggest reason why you've felt overwhelmed and not able to start a new project (and we'll show you how to fix it)
- Uncover the truth behind how successful entrepreneurs are able to take so much action and do it for yourself
- Discover the place where creativity goes to die and how to eliminate it from your life
You'll have a clear plan of action to get yourself ready to think differently, be creative, and unlock potential like never before.

Bust the Bubble
Knowing WHY you want to achieve goals is how you discover if YOU are driving the career car...or not.
The first step to uncovering what you really want in life is to discover your identity and understand why you assume that identity–it drives everything.
You'll learn:
- The good, bad, and the ugly of having the "musician" identity
- Why the musician identity includes a checklist and what happens when you don't check everything off
- Why you make automatic and "safe" choices
- How the world views classical musicians and how to use that to your advantage
No matter your place in life, this module will ensure you understand what drives you or what is causing you from taking steps toward future endeavors.

Structure Your Time and Create a Life for Yourself
When you're on your own and are in charge of creating your own schedule, it can be as scary as bouncing on a pogo stick in quicksand.
Learn how to structure your time so you're financially stable, healthy, and working towards your goals.
You'll learn:
- The tried and true system the most successful entrepreneurs use to manage their time
- How to identify and extinguish the “I’ll be happy when…” status
- Your present self vs. your future self. How to make your present self listen
- Recommended apps for keeping yourself accountable and managing your projects
Execute a simple and effective structure that keeps you progressing without burning you out.

If your current strategy to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your back pocket, this module is for you.
Learn the basics of money so you can throw out that "starving artist" mentality.
You'll learn:
- The reason why musicians suck at money (it may surprise you)
- How to create a budget (template provided)
- How to navigate student loans and interest
- How to get started saving for retirement NOW
- A list of financial resources specifically helpful for musicians
Stop being scared of money, and let it start working for you.

Public Speaking/Talking to Humans
Gardens aren't made by sitting in the shade.
If you want to have opportunities, clients, audiences, students, whatever, YOU HAVE TO TALK TO THEM. ;-)
You'll learn:
- The reason why most people are terrified of speaking publicly (it has to do with sheep)
- The most effective way to practice speaking publicly
- Easy exercises that will help you get out of your shell
- What everyone wants to hear and what will make them remember you
- How to use body language to captivate audiences
- How to come across as confident, credible, and charismatic
No more hiding in the practice room. ;-)

"Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Ben Franklin
Taxes and musicians CAN get along. You just have to understand how each other works. ;-)
You'll learn:
- Why taxes exist
- What all those tax forms mean and how to fill them out correctly (there are so many!)
- What's a write-off and how they're very helpful (who doesn't like saving money?)
- The need to be a corporate entity (or not) as a freelance musician and why
- How to save for tax time and how to "do your taxes"
Get the tax education you need as a musician so you're protected, knowledgeable, and prepared.

"Two things remain irretrievable: time and a first impression." Cynthia Ozick
Want to scare a room full of musicians? Just mention networking.
You'll learn:
- The truth about networking and the reason it gets such a bad reputation
- Learn the 3 rules of networking and put them into action immediately
- Worried about sending a cold email? You'll learn how to send it confidently. Templates provided.
- The logic behind why networking is the most powerful way to accomplish most anything as a musician
- Suck at small talk? With a list of go-to topics, you'll never be searching for something to talk about again
Know how to expand your current network and how to network without even realizing you're networking. It CAN be done!

Emotional Wellness
It's true: Every path has its puddles.
Any endeavor will have a shadow cast over it when you're not in a good emotional condition and understand why emotions get the better of us. Time to understand what's been keeping you stuck.
You'll learn:
- Why the past experiences you can't let go of are shaping your future (and how to be like Elsa and "let it go")
- How avoidance shows you more about yourself than you realize and how to understand why it happens
- Why you keep doing the same thing over and over even though it makes you miserable (the truth is surprising)
- The truth about confrontation, why it's necessary, and how to do it without having a meltdown (Yes, it's possible)
- Get advice from a licensed therapist on how navigate the emotional rollercoaster of being a freelancer
No matter where you are in life, your emotions drive your actions. Time to take the emotions out from under the rug and take a look.
It doesn't matter what you're launching.
This part of M School is designed specifically to guide you through how to come up with an idea and execute it.
Here are a few examples of things musicians have wanted to do that we've helped them learn how to launch:
- Come up with a new income stream to pair with their teaching/performing careers
- How to start a Facebook community
- How to grow a following on social media that leads to conversions
- How to start an email list
- Digital product creation and marketing
- How to start a coaching/consulting business
- Creating a summer music camp
- Creating an ensemble
- Creating resources for teachers
- ...the sky's the limit!

Bust the Bubble
Knowing WHY you want to achieve goals is how you discover if YOU are driving the career car...or not.
The first step to uncovering what you really want in life is to discover your identity and understand why you assume that identity–it drives everything.
You'll learn:
- The good, bad, and the ugly of having the "musician" identity
- Why the musician identity includes a checklist and what happens when you don't check everything off
- Why you make automatic and "safe" choices
- How the world views classical musicians and how to use that to your advantage
No matter your place in life, this module will ensure you understand what drives you or what is causing you from taking steps toward future endeavors.

Idea Sculpting
Some ideas will fly and some ideas won't even get off the ground. This module is dedicated to learning the difference.
You'll learn:
- The 2 main reasons why people don't pursue their ideas (it has nothing to do with money or time)
- The 10-step process I use to decide if an idea is a good one that will make money
- Deconstruction of musicians who created success for themselves by thinking creatively (no musicians will be harmed in this process)
- The difference between being ordinary and being EXTRAORDINARY and how the extraordinary create MAGIC
Learn how to create ideas (ensembles, concert series, private studio, camps, online courses, whatever) that are 100% YOU and are needed in the world.

Creativity Mindset
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Now that you have several creative ideas, this module is dedicated to learning how to stay open to change ideas and evolve with your idea. It's one thing to keep them in your brain but a whole other thing to put them out in the world.
You'll learn:
- What makes your idea a winner or not (and how to change it)
- The exact audience your idea is ideal for (and how to reach them)
- How to take an idea that seems "done already" and make it into something completely new
- Why people need YOU to lead them (and no one else)
- A clear plan specifically FOR YOU for your next steps
Know which parts of your idea to keep and which parts to toss.

Workshop Wonders
We ain't taking the long way around the barn.
In this live class, we're going to get your idea ready to be put out in the world. Yep. We're ripping off the band aid.
You'll learn:
- The exact audience you need to reach and where they're located
- The best ways to get in front of that audience and identifying why they need your idea
- Uncover any loose ends that need tying up before we formulate your marketing plan
- How to decide which technology you need for your idea to go. Social media platforms, email list apps, newsletters, websites, digital course creation tools, etc.
You learn the most when you talk to someone about it. This class is all about you presenting your idea and getting input before you put it out there.

Marketing Basics
There's a new day tomorrow, and it hasn't been touched yet.
It's no good to have a good idea when no one knows about it. That's where marketing comes in.
You'll learn:
- Marketing 101 - the marketing class all musicians need
- Discover what's REALLY holding you back from promoting yourself (when you say it out loud, it sounds so silly)
- How to NOT write like a musician (love you, but it's time to relearn a few things)
- How to write compelling emails that get replies and how to follow up when you hear crickets
As a musician, marketing is your best friend. You'll learn how to expand your brand and get more eyeballs on your ideas, which means more hineys in seats, students on the roster, or purchases.

Social Media Marketing
A sharp axe is better than big muscles.
If you've ever wondered how people can post on social media so regularly and grow their audience, this module will reveal all! Take a look under the hood of how digital marketers use psychology in their social media presence to grow their audience, create a presence as an expert, and sell their ideas.
You'll learn:
- Which platform is the best for you and how to come with with a strategy that fits you and your idea
- A full on audience-growing strategy complete with how to find your ideal audience online, how to engage with them, and how to create content that is written for them
- How to start an email list using social media
- How to use your stories on Instagram to connect with your followers and convert them into clients and friends
- The power of Facebook groups
- Hashtags 101
- How to come up with what to post
After learning all of the information in this live class, you'll be prepared to flesh out your own social media presence and content plan. Oh, did we mention we have SO. MANY. TEMPLATES for you to fill out to help you plan all this?

Sales Funnels
Church ain't over 'til the choir stops singing.
You're getting EVERYTHING in this course including a deep dive into what sales funnels are and how to use them strategically. We'll pulling out all the stops to make sure your idea GOES.
You'll learn:
- What the heck sales funnels actually are
- How sales funnels are as natural as the candy and drinks at the check out of a grocery store
- How YOU could use a sales funnel for your idea
- Real examples of sales funnels and how they work
- How to set up sales funnels on the "back end" of your website
- Outline a sales funnel strategy for your idea
Sales funnels are a great way to keep your audience engaged and to offer extra value. You'll learn how just making an additional offer can bring about pretty cool results.

Did someone say bonuses?

Health Insurance
Oof. That feeling when you're in your 20's and you have to figure out health insurance as a freelancer.
One of the many aspects of self care involves having health insurance.
You'll learn:
- How to find health coverage
- The type of plan you need
- How to enroll
Health insurance doesn't have to be as complicated as it seems. We'll show you the ropes.

Resume/CV and Cover Letter
Even though these are on the way out in most industries, they're still around in music and academia.
Your cover letter and resume make up your first impression. It's important to know how to write them so they stand out.
You'll learn:
- How to format different resumes
- What to include and what not to include in a CV (examples included)
- How to write a cover letter that makes you shine (pdfs and templates provided)
- Why people who get called for jobs get called
You'll have the opportunity to have our team take a look at your resumes, CVs, and cover letters for feedback.

The Legal Stuff
Our team calls this the "CYA Bonus." CYA = cover your ass. ;-)
You'll meet an attorney and former saxophonist who will guide us through the nitty gritty.
You'll learn:
- Copyright and Trademark. YouTube, IG, etc., both for using others' works and protecting your own intellectual property
- Terms and conditions needed on your website
- Everything you need to operate a private studio
- What needs to be included in contracts for weddings, gigs, church services, etc.
- Insurance - everything but health insurance
- How to handle disputes with vendors, clients, and students
- When to hire an attorney and when to DIY
Musicians are small business owners. You'll get the basics of everything you need to know to run a sound business.

Audio/Video Editing
If this past year taught us anything, it's that every musician needs to be savvy in audio and video editing.
You don't have to use fancy equipment to make outstanding videos.
You'll learn:
- How to use your iPhone to record videos that look and sound professional
- The basics of video editing
- How to create a video of multiple people playing together
- Microphone basics and placement
- How to add captions or show photos, music, etc., while you're talking
- The easiest and best apps to use to create quick and beautiful videos
After this module, you'll have the basics of how to record and edit.
You'll be working with these fantastic folks who KNOW their industry and will provide you with the most current and up-to-date information.

Molly Anderson
Molly Anderson is a business attorney and the founder of Anderson Legal Innovation, LLC, a client-focused law firm located just north of Atlanta, Georgia. She is passionate about helping her clients create and grow their businesses. She designed her firm to provide a better client experience by using the latest in legal technology, flat fee billing, and a holistic approach to legal advice.
Before becoming an attorney, Molly studied music performance at the University of Georgia. She currently lives in Cumming, GA with her husband, two children, two dogs, and a cat.

Justin Verbeten
Certified Public Accountant
A member of BKD National Commercial Services Group, Justin provides tax and consulting services to corporations, S corporations, and partnerships with local, multistate, and multinational activity. He serves clients by assisting with entity structures, transaction planning, and income tax provisions.
Justin is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and Indiana CPA Society, and has served as a guest instructor at Purdue University's Krannert School of Management. In early 2017, Justin received Ball State University's 3 under 30 Award for demonstrating career success while remaining engaged with his alma mater.
Justin lives in Indianapolis with his wife and two sons, and he is team member Anamarie's soon to be brother-in-law.

Chelsey Davidson
Licensed Therapist
I specialize in working with children, teens, families, and adults. I work with individuals who have a history of trauma, depression, anxiety and adjustment issues, and I strive to provide a safe place for individuals to explore their thoughts and emotions related to the struggle that they are learning to cope with.
I am trained in evidence based treatment models such as ARC and TF-CBT and apply play therapy techniques to these models of treatment. I am trained in Motivational Interviewing, Aggression Replacement Training and am working towards becoming a Registered Play Therapist. I have worked in a variety of settings such as hospitals, schools and community agencies.

Suzanne Adams
Benefits Expert
Suzanne Adams is an HR/Office Manager at PACE America in Seattle, WA. Suzanne is passionate about people and helping employees succeed. She is a certified Human Resources Professional with a BS in Business Management from WGU Washington. She has extensive knowledge of benefits administration, employee engagement, and performance management.

Sydnee Stein
Banker and Personal Finance Expert
Sydnee Stein is an active performer and arts board member in the Washington, DC area. A playing member of the Capital Wind Symphony, the Capital City Symphony and the Columbia Flute Choir, she has performed at The Kennedy Center, the White House, The Atlas Theatre in Washington, DC, and the NFA Convention in the 2015 and 2017 Low Flutes Ensemble, and as a member of the 2019 NFA Professional Flute Choir in Salt Lake City, UT in 2019.
Her arts board work has included leadership as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Tysons-McLean Orchestra, as Treasurer of the Board for The Capital Wind Symphony and as the current Assistant Treasurer and former Treasurer of the Flute Society of Washington, DC.
Sydnee maintains an active flute studio in the Aldie, Virginia area and enjoys a crazy schedule of rehearsals, teaching and performing in the Greater Washington, DC area. Sydnee is originally from the North Central Texas area, just west of Dallas. She is a graduate of The University of North Texas and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music, Spanish and French.
Sydnee is an avid Dallas Cowboys fan, a lover of all Tex-Mex cuisine, and enjoys living in Aldie, Virginia with her husband, Rajan, and her sweet puggle, Charley Polo.
You'll be working the KE Creative team throughout your entire M School journey. We're 3 fierce women who thrive on delivering excellence and empowering musicians to create their own destinies.

Dr. Katherine Emeneth
aka "Mom"
I'm the "KE" part of KE Creative. ;-)
I'm a musician who has always been a teacher, and after many ups and downs in my career, I've created a fulfilling and exciting career in classical music.
In school, I dreamed of having a full time flute professor position. After countless applications and interviews for higher ed positions, guess what happened.
No glory job.
Sound familiar?
Then, I woke up.
I realized I already had everything I wanted from my various jobs: I was teaching flute, playing flute, making a HIGHER INCOME than I would teaching at the university level, and I was my own boss. I created my own ensemble and MADE MONEY performing. I was helping other musicians learn how to stay in the craft and pave their own way without having to wait to be chosen.
I taught myself all the business skills I needed to make my career GO. I rolled up my sleeves and made teaching lessons, performing for large audiences, and creating a space for musicians online unbelievable. And now, I'm here to teach you how to do it too.
If you want to stay in the craft but don't know what to do next or maybe uncertain about how to make the transition from student to professional, I'm here to help you!

Anamarie Diaz
aka "The Badass Backend Boss"
I'm the go to behind the scenes part of KE Creative!
My idea of what I wanted to do with my music career has changed a lot over the years.
I dreamed of an orchestral career and a college professor job...some of the standard classical music jobs. As I went through school, my passions in music changed, a lot. And when I graduated I realized that I didn't have any guidance or skills to pursue my new music passions.
So, I started the loooong and slow processes of trying to figure it out myself. There were many days of sending email wondering if I would ever receive a response, not knowing what to do next for my career, and questioning my abilities.
But slowly the wheels started to move. Today, I live in Richmond, Virginia and I fully embrace the classical musician entrepreneur lifestyle. I am a flute teacher, I actively perform and gig, I manage a community orchestra, I am involved with 2 music organizations in the area, and of course, I am a part of KE Creative.
It wasn't easy or quick to get to this point, and while this isn't what 19 year old Anamarie thought she would be doing in music, I wouldn't change it one bit!

Dr. Laura Zabanal
aka "The Creative Copy Conjurer"
I’m the nerdy, introverted, flute-playing, cat-loving, copy-conscious guru of KE Creative. :)
I love working with others, whether it’s making music, teaching, or collaborating on big creative projects like M School. I have worn many hats as a freelance artist and teacher, and I’ve worked many an odd job to make my music career dreams a reality.
My love of learning motivated me to stay in school for a long time. After completing many degrees, the transition from student to professional musician was no easier than if I had been 22 and finishing undergrad. Like Katherine, I pursued an academic career for many years without successfully landing one of those coveted full-time, tenure-track positions.
I began to open my eyes to other possibilities. I started planting roots in my community, making connections, offering services, and creating opportunities for myself. Within six months of moving to a brand new city, I was amazed at the kinds of opportunities that were coming my way--some of which I hadn’t even thought of before!
No matter where you are in your music career journey, know that you are not alone. The struggles are real, but the skills you’ll learn in M School will give you that much more confidence forging ahead.
I can’t wait to help you towards reimagining a music career on your terms!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the "M" stand for?
What makes M School different from other online programs?
What's NOT covered in M School?
When's the next session of M School?
Is this only for musicians in the United States?
Who's not right for this program?
What if I can't make it to some of the sessions?
How much time should I set aside each week?
When does it start?
The Tuition
We get that money is tough, and the last few years have been especially challenging for classical musicians. We don’t want anyone to struggle out there, so let M School help you get “unstuck” and learn some new skills. You will not regret investing in yourself and seeing your ideas pay you back ten-fold. I’m here to tell you that you are worth it, and so is your future music career.
Let M School take you there.
In order to help musicians who may really need this course but are struggling to make ends meet, we're offering up to 3 need-based scholarships for musicians who'd like to take both Foundations and Launch Lab. For more information about scholarships, please click here.
The cost of M School is less than $4 per day.
Let's put that in perspective...

The "per day" cost is
LESS THAN the cost of...
- a Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks
- a round trip ride on the Chicago L or the NYC Subway
- a pint of your favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream

The "total cost" is
LESS THAN the cost of...
- two-thirds the cost of the average 3-credit college course
- half the cost of a year’s worth of music lessons
- half the cost of a French horn, one-eighth the cost of an advanced violin, one-twelfth the cost of a professional-model flute, and one-twentieth the cost of a bassoon

M School costs
- an average month of rent in half of U.S. states
- textbooks and materials for one year of college
- a handful of meetings with a tax consultant
- a decent beginner flute
Our Risk-Free Guarantee
This program has the power to profoundly change your life forever. If by 12pm (noon) Eastern U.S. time on June, 12, 2022 you don’t feel it’s the right fit, submit your completed coursework and we’ll issue you a full refund. Please note that refund eligibility has a firm deadline and also applies to payment plans, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline of June 12th has passed.
Ready to do this? Follow the yellow brick road below to register!
Registration closes Tuesday, May 31st, 2022.
First, choose which section of M School you'd like to take (or both)!
Foundations is for the musician who has BIG questions about how to live life as an entrepreneur, freelancer, or Musicianeer. You'll learn things like...
- How to structure and organize your time to get the MOST done in a day
- How to manage your personal finances
- How to organize your taxes, file them, learn what you need to write off to save the most money, and receive a general tax education
- Learn about emotional wellness. Unfortunately, most musicians have had at least 1 traumatic experience in their lives (which was usually caused by a teacher or peer). You'll learn best practices for working through that trauma and learn how to let it go.
- 7 weeks
- 3 live sessions
- 4 pre-recorded sessions
- Private Facebook group
- Homework assignments every week
- Bonuses: Health Insurance 101 and CV/Resume Writing
- Review of homework assignments including CV/Resume and financial planning
Launch Lab
Launch Lab is for the musician who has an idea in the back of their mind they they're ready to bring into reality.
Maybe you feel stuck in your career or are interested in creating a new income stream because you've realized you've hit the maximum income in your current circumstances. Whatever you're dreaming up, we'll help you learn alllll the current marketing skills and strategies to launch your idea.
You'll learn things like...
- How to come up with a profitable idea (with individual input from the KE Creative team)
- How to get past any barriers or mindset blocks that may prevent you from taking action
- A workshopping session where we put your idea under the microscope and identify the exact strategy for getting you ready for launch
- You'll learn which social media networks are best for you to show up on and HOW to show up in the most effective way
- Identifying and creating a social media content strategy specific to your offer so you'll always know what to post (the team will review your post ideas and help you hit the nail on the head)
- The basics of marketing that are universal for launching any successful endeavor
- How to create a timeline and the exact order of things you need to do before launch
- Which online tools are the best for YOUR endeavor (social media, mailing list, which digital course software to use, etc.) and how to use them
- How to launch your idea! Followed by 2 months of additional support
- 10 weeks plus 2 months of support
- Alternating weeks of content/live classes and live workshopping or hot seat sessions
- Homework assignments every week with input from the team
- Private Facebook group
- Bonuses: The Legal Stuff and Audio/Visual 101
M School Bundle
You get access to everything in Foundations AND Launch Lab.
This is for you if you're interested in learning EVERYTHING you'll need to know about living your life as a freelancer, entrepreneur or Musicianeer.
AND you'll have a full team behind you helping you outline and execute a new product, side hustle, digital course, WHATEVER!
- 17 weeks worth of material and support plus 2 additional months
- FULL access to the team for questions, help, and review of materials
- Homework assignments every week
- Private Facebook group
- Bonuses: Health Insurance 101, CV/Resume Writing, The Legal Stuff, Audio/Visual 101
Foundations Pricing Options
Launch Lab Pricing Options
M School Bundle Pricing

Feeling nervous or not sure?
Please reach out! The team and I are INCREDIBLY friendly and would love to talk to you.
We have 8 music degrees between the 3 of us, so we've been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. We know what it's like to take a big leap of faith. We've been EXACTLY where you are numerous times and totally get it.
Send us an email at [email protected]
or send Katherine a DM on Instagram @katherineemeneth
or send us a message on Facebook
or howl into the night to communicate with Barney, the sheepdog. (Kidding. He doesn't howl or bark, but he is REALLY good at snoring. ;-)
Whatever questions or concerns you have, we're right here ready to chat!